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  4. Crossover 15 3 0 29684 Download Freeware
by Isaac MCN
August, 2002

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0. Introduction
The first version of CrossoverSimulator used a 4th-Order Parallel-type 'general circuit' withimpedance compensation circuits and response shaping networks. Having a fixed circuit topology meant that the size and complexity ofthe filters that could be simulated were both limited. I decidednot to finish that version because I felt that the development timecould be better spent making a real circuit simulator.

After a lot of thought anddebugging, I finally made my own circuit simulator. It is NOT SPICE! The engineuses Nodal Analysis as well, and it is not as powerful as SPICE, but itis a real circuit simulator nonetheless. The embedded circuitcalculator in Crossover Simulator is good enough for simulating(almost?) any passive circuit. The best part is that it canaccept measured data, which is certainly better than any textbook-basedfilter simulator/calculator.

1. Specifications
Any machine running Windows 95 isgood enough to run Crossover Simulator.

As I have mentioned above,Crossover Simulator uses Nodal Analysis. Calculation time isdirectly proportional to the number of given nodes. The engine isactually quite optimized weighing in at only 200 lines of code. Isincerely doubt that anyone is still using i486-based PCs these days,butout of curiosity I ran the sample 2-way parallel-type filter through awin95-operated i486 machine having only 16MB of RAM. It took15seconds tocalculate the woofer circuit while the tweeter part took about28seconds tocalculate -- not too shabby, I think. The slow speed is more of anuisancethan a limitation.

2. Schematics Editor
After the circuit engine wasfinished, I hastily slapped on the user-interface you see today. I had decided to release this version so that fellow enthusiasts couldtest drive the new engine. Circuit definition is textual --SPICE-like to the informed engineer. If we wanted to break downthe following circuit into alist of parts, terminal-node connections and component values,

ComponentNode1Node2Component Value

Amp.10(say) 10 Volts
Lw1121.2e-3 Henries
Cw12015.831e-6 Farads
Lw2230.0006 Henries
Cw2300.000003519 Farads

For evaluating filter transferfunctions, we may disregard the output of the amp, so a CrossoverSimulator circuit definition would be defined as is but without theamplifier details.

Until I can find time to integrate a graphical schematics editor,textual schematics entry will do for now.
3. Quick Startup Guide

3.0. LoadCrossover Simulator

Open CrossoverSimulator by double-clicking the single-executable file, xoversim.exe.

Click on File / New Project tocreate a new project; you may create and simulate any number ofprojects.

3.1. Load DriverDatafiles

In order tosuccessfully run Crossover Simulator, you mustsupply both the electrical impedance (ZMA) datafile and acoustictransferfunction (FRD) datafile of your driver. Both datafiles must be inthefollowing format.

HertzdB (or Ohms)Phase (in degrees).


Crossover Simulator uses thefrequency numbers in your datafiles (it doesn't have itsown frequency generator) therefore you must supply design files withexactly thesame number of datapoints. Moreover, the test frequencies must beequal --frequency-by-frequency.
To load the FRD and ZMA files ofWoofer1, click on Load FRD File and Load ZMAFile buttons respectively. You will be prompted for the locationof yourinput files.

You could use the datapointcounters to check if all your files' datapointsmatches with each other.

For this guide, I have elected to use a parallel-type filter as anexample. Click on the Parallel Circuits tab and then enter yourcircuit's details. For example, the following circuit,

Component names arecase-sensitive. You may use any namefor your resistors, inductors or capacitors so long as the first letteriscapitalized. Internally, Ralph is just R, Lauren is just L andChannel isjust C -- it doesn't matter. However, the following componentnames arereserved and fixed.
rl--series RL component
Src--series RC component
Srlc--series RLC component

Use the predefined seriescomponents in place of separatecomponents whenever possible. This not only reduced the number ofkeystrokes (not to mention possible errors) on your part, it alsosignificantly shortens calculation time.

Notice that there is a '1' forthe value of W1, youmay actually may enter any value -- the underlying circuit simulatorjustexpects a value for every component. If you'd like, you can put avaluethat's equal to the number of drivers that were measured and recordedonto thedata file. Also, notice the presence of Rs. Rs is used tocalculatethe impedance as would be seen by the amp. Having a value of0.0001ohms,Rs' effect on your circuit is negligible.

Check the Include in SystemResponse checkbox if you want theresponse to be included with the system response. Before youpress the anyof the Simulate buttons:

-- Make sure you have loaded thecorresponding datafile for yourcircuit, or else...

-- Double check your circuit forany typographical errors andmissing parts, nodes and connections.

Press the Simulate Woofer1button; I have included meters toshow simulation progress.

which should bedefined as,

As always, doublecheck your set of datafiles and correspondingcircuit before you press the Simulate button.

3.3. Display the Results
Click on the Available Graphs tabto show a list of graphs thatcan be displayed.

Checking/Unchecking any of thegraph types instantly updates theGraph Space. The following screenshot shows the resutls.

There are, I think, 86 curvestypes per project, so it was quitdifficult to define default graph colors. You may change any/allof thecurve colors, right-click the curve type you'd like to change then acolordialog box should appear.

The graphs are updated rightafter the Color dialog box isclosed.

3.4. Adjustments

Notice that the systemresponse shows a deep null. Reversing the tweeter's polarity should give you,

To reverse the tweeter'spolarity, simply swap the tweeter's nodes,

and then press Simulate Tweeter1button again. You DO NOTneed to re-simulate the woofer part, but you may do so if you'd like torefreshthe calculations. The new system and tweeter curve should beshownimmediately after the calculation has finished.
Pretty straight forward.
Click here for a 2-way series-typefilter and here for a 2-wayparallel-type filter.

4. Reality Check
The following screenshots showthe results from Crossover Simulator and PSPICE when given thefollowing test circuit.

Test circuit 1.

I set PSPICE'sbandwidth of simulation to 10Hz - 10kHz at 100points/decade. Thefollowing picture shows the Probe curves.

PSPICE Probe graphs fromsimulating test circuit.

Test circuit 1 after translation.

I made a set of FRD filescontaining 10Hz - 30kHz data points each of which having apurely-resistive impedance of 8ohms.

Crossover 15 3 0 29684 download free. full

Simulation results fromCrossover Simulator.

Overlaid graphs from CrossoverSimulator and PSPICE.

I'm sure you've noticed that allthe group-delay plots in Crossover Simulator look a bit jagged. Some more tweaking of the group-delay plotting code block should fixthis.

As you can see from the schematicdiagram of test circuit 1, I used a VPRINT component to write thefrequency, magnitude and phase across R3 onto a file. To show thedB magnitude of the voltage across R3, the log-base-10 of the recordedmagnitude was taken and them multiplied by 20. Datapoint-by-datapoint, Crossover Simulator's results are practicallyequal to PSPICE's.

5. Notes
-- Crossover Simulator requires thatthe files be in Frequency - Magnitude - Phase format -- WITHOUTCOMMENTS whatsoever -- just data. It calculates the response datapoint by data point, so your SET data files can contain any number ofdata points (that your computer memory can store) and can have abandwidth of 0.0001Hz to 1MHz, or WIDER!! BUT for the individualresponses to SUM PROPERLY, ALL DRIVERS in the SAME PROJECT must havematching Frequency column data; frequency point by frequencypoint. In other words, all data files for one project are mirrorimages of one another except that the magnitude and phase columns aredifferent, of course.

-- Your SETS of data files for yourProject1, Project2, Project 3... ProjectX can have different data filesizes and frequency points. Each Project instance is independentfrom the other(s).

-- Rest assured that I will build aninterpolator to overcome the above mentioned limitations... during my school vacation.

-- You may only use one instanceof the six drivers per table. This is because the acoustical equivalentof multiple instances of the same driver is not yet possible toconsider during the calculations. But you may enter multiple instancesof the same driver if you want to see or extract the electrical effects.

-- If you'd like to use twodrivers with a single filter, you could sum the drivers first withoutusing a filter, write the system frd files, which you may then use torepresent the parallel/series drivers. But the limit of six driversought to be enough for most DIYers.

-- If a Simulate button becomesgrayed out, then an error was encountered. Simply save your filter(s),make a new project and then load everything again -- double-checkeverything before you re-simulate your design.

-- It can crawl on awin95-operated i486 machine. A Windows emulator might let you use it ona different platform. It has been tested to run on a Mac usingVirtual PC. If you are having trouble running the self-extractingdownload file, let me know and I will email you the same files in ZIPformat.

-- The current version is reallyjust a circuit simulator, so remember to do all the pre-processing offrd files first before you head over to XoverSim.

-- A circuit with lots of nodescan significantly slow things down, but it's better than any textbookfilter simulator; and its certainly better than nothing ;)

-- I agree, the interface is ugly,but I won't waste too much time on it since I'm going to change itanyway (when I finally make a dedicated graphical schematicseditor). Again, this is just a circuit calculator test.

-- The equations from theincluded Calculators Window are from the 5th-ed. of Vance Dickason'sLoudspeaker Design Cookbook.

The following menus, buttons,tabs and functions are not yet functional:

-- File Close Project
-- File Save As
-- Calculators Band-Pass Filters
-- Project Save Project
-- Project Optimizer

6. Frequency-AskedQuestions
The quick answer is, build yourbox(es), mount your driver(s) then measure the acoustic and electricalimpedance of the system. Bummer, I know, but this is necessary tokeep accuracy to an acceptable level. Remember -- garbage in,garbage out! But before you toss the idea of measuring yourdrivers out the window, have a look at the following picture.

Comparison of calculated andmeasured SPL curve [in half-space] of a Vifa P17WJ-00-08 woofer.

The smooth orange curve wascalculated using electroacoustics (by SubwooferSimulator) while the other real-world curves are from Vifa'smeasurements. As can be seen, the calculated curve is holding uppretty well up to about 1kHz, beyond that we run into what's calledcone breakup. (The cut-off frequency of the anechoic chamber is100Hz if memory serves me well). Cone breakup is the driver'sdiaphragm not behaving as one piston and it occurs around the upperroll off of the driver. The severity and location of cone modesdiffer from driver to driver. Cone breakup is not easilycalculated, a lot of information such as cone geometry and materialsproperties is required to build an approximate model of the wholecone. The Finite Element Method shines in these types ofengineering problems, but the complexity of this analysis technique,not to mention the cost of FEM-based software, makes it impractical forthe majority of DIYers.

Taking measurements is not thatdifficult, and it need not be expensive. The results are the mostaccurate models of the drivers... provided the measurements are doneproperly. For information about measurement tools, have a look atthe following links.

-- Eric Wallin'smicrophone Preamp/Preamp2 pages -- both version of his preamp arevery easy to construct

Crossover 15 3 0 29684 Download Free

-- Linkwitz Lab: Microphones -- presents a simple way of improving the Panasonicmic's performance

-- PanasonicWM-60AY microphone cartridge -- VERY cheap!

-- Speaker Workshop -- SW'suser interface is not user friendly, IMO, but it's the only freewareMLS-based measurement tool that I know of.

If you have the money to burn,consider Sound Easy, ClioWin or Laud/Praxis. Except forClioWin, the other two have onboard filter simulators with SoundEasyregarded as the best loudspeaker CAD program at the moment.

First, have a look at question1. If you still want to use calculated data, perhaps to observefilter-driver behavior or to kill time, you could use Subwoofer Simulatorto build driver data files.

Sample calculated vented wooferand tweeter FRD/ZMA files from Subwoofer Simulator.

-- Change SubSim's maximum graphfrequency to 20kHz or so.

-- Maximize SubSim to fullscreenas the number of data points is directly proportional to the graphspace width.

-- Design your box -- sealed,vented or what.

To make midrange and tweeterFRD/ZMA files:

-- As above, but you would use asealed box with box volume = Ql = Qa = 1e12 (close enough to infinity).

Make sure to keep SubSim's windowsize constant or your FRD/ZMA data files will have mismatched frequencypoints.

6.2. I'mgetting '0.0001' is not a valid floating point number.'

This error message pops upbecause of your Windows Regional Setting. If you've got aEuropean Windows installation, make sure every number uses comma (,)instead of period (.) -- 0,0001 instead of 0.0001.

7. Download Details
XoverSim ZIP File
size =
Uploadedon August, 2002

Crossover Simulator is FREEWARE!
Kindly emailme to arrange commercial use.
Please email me if you'dlike to donate any sum of money.

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