1. Do Not Feed The Monkeys Game Guide
  2. Do Not Feed The Monkeys (2018) Called
  3. Do Not Feed The Monkeys Game

The landlady is not a forgiving one. This skewed balance seems to be intentional, however, due to the game’s short length of around 4 hours. Playing time is extended by learning from your mistakes, but also by restricting your ability to solve all the stories in one playthrough as learning about the monkeys becomes a lower priority than simply surviving to the end. 'Feeding the monkeys' means interacting with the people you are spying on. Although your employer does not want you to do that, it is an important part of the game. There are very few occasions for your employer to notice you've been feeding monkeys, but even if they do, all you will get is a warning not to do it again. 'Do Not Feed the Monkeys' is a unique, digital voyeur simulator. Spy on people through dozens of hacked surveillance cameras (aka 'cages') and pry into their lives using the information you find about them. Will you be able to make a living while you get more and more 'cages'?

Do not feed the monkeys game guide
Do Not Feed the Monkeys Cheat Engine Table v1.0, [2018-10-26] COLONELRVH May not work on other version.

Do Not Feed The Monkeys Game Guide

There’s much more to it than that, though: Do Not Feed The Monkeys is a surprisingly deep, twisty game with lots of things to juggle. The more you play, the more cameras you unlock and the more.

- Features -Do Not Feed The Monkeys (2018)
  • [Stats]
    • Unlimited Money
      [*]Unlimited Hunger
      [*]Unlimited Sleep
      [*]Unlimited Heatlh


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Do Not Feed The Monkeys (2018) Called

In October of 2018, Do Not Feed the Monkeys hit Steam and offered up a different take on the adventure genre. Many adventure games have you perform seemingly routine tasks to move on – but none have you act as a multi-camera voyeur quite like this. As a prospective member of the Primate Observation Group, you will use webcams and other surveillance cameras to keep an eye on the monkeys. Now they may think they have privacy, but those primates are in fact incorrect.

Do Not Feed The Monkeys Game

The goal is to gain information, and you can only do that while not interacting with them in any way. So much like how you can’t tap a fish tank or feed monkeys, here, you can’t do the latter – but maybe a sequel will restrict you from doing the former as well. It’s a bit of an odd concept – so that’s why it having a free demo is so nice. You can see if you like it and if you do, cool – it’s only $13 on Switch or $12 on PC. Do Not Feed the Monkeys is available now on the eShop.