2 days ago  കോവിഡ് വ്യാപനത്തെ തടയുന്നതിനായി പത്ത് രാജ്യങ്ങളില്. PeakHour 4.1.5 macOS 19.5 MB PeakHour is a beautiful, real-time network-traffic visualizer that lives in your menu bar. It provides an instant view of your Internet or WiFi activity in real-time. PeakHour is great for monitoring your Internet or WiFi connection, and can help you determine how much bandwidth your computers and devices are.

We develop training and support solutions for government agencies, non-profits, and businesses.

Client List

CDCR (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation)

Correctional Officer and Correctional Counselor Training *

SCORM-compliant E-Learning.

California WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)

Video series for delivery in-house and via YouTube.

Yolo County health and Human Services

Safe Sleep: Client SIDS Education

In-house, web-based E-Learning certificate program.

California Peace Officer Standards and Training

Test proctor training. SCORM-compliant E-Learning.

California State University, Chico

School of Education: Pre-Service Teacher Education *

Web-based orientation modules for preservice teachers and mentors.

Darryl L. Sink and Associates, Inc.

Monterey County Contracting Academy: E-Learning Development

SCORM-compliant E-Learning.

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Revelation Health, LLC.

SCORM-compliant E-Learning.

* Work performed under the direction of Prof. Tom Welsh through affiliation with CSU, Chico Research Foundation


  • (530) 680-6230

At PeakFour.org, our mission is to help undervalued communities and neglected individuals build better careers through technology and business resources. Sometimes, just knowing what is possible is the first step on a journey to self improvement and being able to develop long-lasting career growth potential.

Many communities have been long been excluded from educational and corporate experiences and we aim to change that. Additionally, in tough economic and psychological situations, young individuals make poor choices, resulting in permanent exclusion of decent career opportunities. We believe anyone who wants to work hard and give back to their communities deserves a second chance.

If you want to become a PeakFour candidate, you must be able to demonstrate that

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  • you are seeking to improve yourself and those around you
  • you have an aptitude and desire to learn technology and apply knowledge
  • you are willing to do the work it takes to learn and apply business and technology skills. After all, it is you who will demonstrate your own success.
  • you have a plan to give back to those closest to you and your community at large

If all of this holds true then, your talent, energy and motivation shouldn’t be neglected. It should be rewarded.

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Our goal is to increase the initial annual salary of our candidates by $10 to $20k and be able to not only project, but also to track the lifetime additional earning potential of all of our candidates, and share that with our generous donors and provide transparency to the public. Cumulatively, this type of salary increase can lift someone and their family above the poverty line, or even better, place them solidly, into the middle class.

We will be launching our official website on the 4th of July with information as to how you can contact us and submit an application for consideration. Until then, write down your story so you can tell us about your aptitudes, skills and challenges. Finally, collect at least three references from your community – business leaders, politicians, spiritual advisors, educators, etc – who will be willing to write a brief recommendation on your behalf and how we can contact them.

We are also currently seeking generous donors who will help fund the cost of technical administration courses and certification exam fees. Please use our contact page to reach out and check back for when we launch a web based donation page in July.

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Premium donors will have their logo placed on our website so we can share your generosity with the world.

We look forward to this challenge, and are working with our first candidate RIGHT NOW.

Thank you very much for helping change even one small corner of the world, and, by doing so, start generating a ripple effect of positive outcomes.

All the best to you and your loved ones!

Watch this space…


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