1. Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Pdf
  2. Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Opener
  3. Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide Files
  4. Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Pdf
  5. Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Free

Wingware has released version 4.1.11 of Wing IDE, an integrated development environment designed specifically for the Python programming language. Wingware is the one of the best python ide.
Wing IDE is a cross-platform Python IDE that provides a professional code editor with vi, emacs, and other key bindings, auto-editing, auto-completion, call tips, refactoring, a powerful graphical debugger, version control, unit testing, search, and many other features.
Changes in Version 4.1.11

Visual Studio Code is ranked 2nd while Wing Python IDE is ranked 11th. The most important reason people chose Visual Studio Code is: Visual Studio Code comes fairly complete out of the box, but there are many plug-ins available to extend its functionality. Python IDE Wingware Wing IDE Professional 6.1.3-1 2019-01-13 23:42:55 分类: Linux / macOS / Windows / 编程开发 / 编程开发 Wing is a Python IDE with powerful debugger and intelligent editor that make interactive Python development fast, accurate, and fun. Analytics cookies. We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. They're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task.

  • Right click on tool tabs to assign a key binding to the tool
  • Allow auto-stripping trailing white space to be limited to project files
  • Support for Subversion version 1.7.x
  • Allow introduce variable refactoring in more contexts
  • Support opening files with Wing via the Linux .desktop file
  • Improve auto-editing fixups
  • Fix keep external console open under Python 3
  • Restore original editor and focus after refactoring operations complete
  • Show skipped icon for groups of unit tests that were all skipped
  • 13 other bug fixes and minor improvements

See the change log for details.
New Features in Version 4
Version 4 adds the following new major features:

  • Refactoring — Rename and move symbols, extract to function or method, or introduce a new variable
  • Find Uses — Find all points of use of a symbol
  • Diff/Merge — Graphical file and repository comparison and merge
  • Django Support — Debug Django templates, run Django unit tests, and more
  • matplotlib Support — Maintains live-updating plots in shell and debugger
  • Auto-editing — Auto-enter closing characters, spacing, invocation args, and more
  • Simplified Licensing — Includes all OSes and adds Support+Upgrades subscriptions

To see some of these features in action, see What’s New in Wing IDE 4. See the change log for details. For details on the new licensing see Wing IDE Licensing Changes.
About Wing Python IDE
Wing python IDE is an integrated development environment designed specifically for the Python programming language. It provides powerful editing, testing, and debugging features that help reduce development and debugging time, cut down on coding errors, and make it easier to understand and navigate Python code. Wing IDE can be used to develop Python code for web, GUI, and embedded scripting applications.
Wing IDE is available in three product levels: Wing IDE Professional is the full-featured Python IDE, Wing IDE Personal offers a reduced feature set at a low price, and Wing IDE 101 is a free simplified version designed for teaching beginning programming courses with Python.
Version 4.1 of Wing IDE Professional includes the following major features:

  • Professional quality code editor with vi, emacs, and other keyboard personalities
  • Code intelligence for Python: Auto-editing, auto-completion, call tips, find uses, goto-definition, error indicators, refactoring, smart indent and rewrapping, and source navigation
  • Advanced multi-threaded debugger with graphical UI, command line interaction, conditional breakpoints, data value tooltips over code, watch tool, and externally launched and remote debugging
  • Powerful search and replace options including keyboard driven and graphical UIs, multi-file, wild card, and regular expression search and replace
  • Version control integration for Subversion, CVS, Bazaar, git, Mercurial, and Perforce
  • Integrated unit testing with unittest, nose, and doctest frameworks
  • Django support: Debugs Django templates, provides project setup tools, and runs Django unit tests
  • Many other features including project manager, bookmarks, code snippets, diff/merge tool, OS command integration, indentation manager, PyLint integration, and perspectives
  • Extremely configurable and may be extended with Python scripts
  • Extensive product documentation and How-Tos for Django, Google App Engine, matplotlib, Plone, wxPython, PyQt, mod_wsgi, Autodesk Maya, blender, NUKE/NUKEX, and many other Python libraries and applications

Please refer to the feature list for a detailed listing of features by product level.
System requirements are Windows 2000 or later, OS X 10.3.9 or later (requires X11 Server), or a recent Linux system (either 32 or 64 bit). Wing IDE supports Python versions 2.0.x through 3.3.x and Stackless Python.
For more information, see the Wing IDE product overview.

Wing IDE

Wing IDE is 'the intelligent development environment for Python programmers.' Wing is available in EHS 117 and EHS 119 and is the development environment of choice for coursework in Python.


You may also download and install Wing (free 'Personal' edition) on your personal machine (available for Windows, Linux, and macOS). If you are an upper-division major, please contact me about a 12-month academic license if you require advanced functionality (version control, unit tests, refactoring, remote development, etc).

Getting Started

Make sure you have a working Python installation. After you have installed Python, proceed to the next step.

Wing ide 6 1 4 – a python ide file download

Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Pdf


Run Wing. Make sure the 'Python Shell' tool pane is visible (you can quickly add it or bring it to the front by selecting 'Tools' > 'Python Shell' from the menu bar). Verify that the shell reports the correct Python version.

For example:

If the shell reports a different version (say, version 2.7 instead of version 3.5), do the following in Wing:

  • Select 'Project' > 'Project Properties...' from the menu bar.
  • In the 'Project Properties' dialog, 'Environment' tab, change the 'Python Executable' option from 'Use default' to 'Custom', and then type python3 in the textbox (or select it from the dropdown list of options).

Back in the 'Python Shell' tool pane, restart the shell by selecting the 'Options' > 'Restart Shell' menu on the tool pane (or simply quit and re-run Wing). The shell should now report the correct Python version. If not, verify that you have a working Python installation.

Wing ide 6 1 4 – a python ide file smaller

Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Opener


Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide Files

Open the Wing IDE preferences ('Edit' > 'Preferences' menu on Windows and Linux, 'WingPersonal' > 'Preferences' menu on macOS). Ensure that the following preferences are set correctly:

FilesGeneralDefault Encodingutf-8 (your system may already default to this)
New File EOLLine Feed n
New File Extension.py
EditorGeneralShow Line Numberschecked
Show Whitespacechecked
IndentationDefault Indent Size4 (or 3, if you prefer)
Default Indent StyleSpaces Only
Show Indent Guideschecked
Line WrappingWrap Long Linesunchecked
Edge Markers: ModeBorder
Edge Markers: Column80

Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Pdf

First Steps

Wing Ide 6 1 4 – A Python Ide File Free

Enter the following source code into a new, empty document window in Wing:

Save the program to your desktop as hello.py. Now, run the program by doing one of the following:

  • Clicking the 'Start/Continue' button on the toolbar (looks like a ')
  • Selecting the 'Debug' > 'Start/Continue' menu
  • Pressing F5 on your keyboard

Verify that your program runs without errors and displays the expected output in the 'Debug I/O' tool pane (try the 'Tools' > 'Debug I/O' menu if you can't find it).

For example:

Now, modify the program to print your name.

This page was last modified on 2020-10-03 at 21:01:30.

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